samedi 26 mars 2011

How art gives shape to cultural change

1) After watching Thelma Golden's presentation, I have chosen an artwork that appears in the video at 9:08 :

This work seems to be composed of several chains on which different colors are added. When the chains are assembled together, a picture is revealed. This picture represents a landscape, and more precisely a sunset (or a sunrise I don't know...) seen through tree branches.
I liked this artwork because it represents a simple but beautiful thing with an original support. But in my mind it is still not enough "nice". I prefer well defined drawings than suggestive art. For me a well defined drawing is like this :
 I can clearly identify a sunset and the landscape whereas in the first artwork it could be as well a sunset as a fire in a forest...

   a) According to Thelma Golden, images can change the way we think about cultures and about ourselves. They can create a new story, a new narrative in art history and in the world.
She thinks that the power of images is to raise the question of how people understand themselves and each other.

   b) Then, as a curator, she raises some questions about the role of museum in a society. As she sees museum as a thinking tank, she is wondering if a museum can be a catalyst in a community, if it can house artists and allow them to be change agents as communities rethink themselves ? She also wants to know how museum could be the space for a contest of ideas.

3) For Thelma Golden, we must "think about artists, not as content providers,... but again as real catalysts for change". I agree with this idea enven if personally I have some doubts about the impact of an artwork. I can understand that when an artist creates a painting for instance, most of the time he wants to deliver a message, to criticize something in order to change it.
And it's on this last point that I'm skeptical. Today, if you're not expert, you can't understand what the author wants to say. And even if you do, the impact is very low.
Finally, today, artists are still for me content providers bacause I don't think they can change something, they can only influence a minority.

lundi 7 mars 2011

Definition of art

In my mind, art is the human capacity to prepare things they like, they find beautiful, and yet which are useless. It serves neither to eat, nor to subsist human essentials needs.
Whith their hands, or more generally with their body, the artists produce forms, associate colours or sounds they appear to their melodious when they are linked.

When an artwork is completed, and succeeded, spectators must feel emotions and an inner peace. And in this way, it joins a quotation of Nietzsche I apreciate when he said that we "need art to save us from the truth". According to Nietzsche, art help us tu support the life, with illusions and dreams.

I don't have a lot of knowledge in paint, nor in dance or in sculpture. But I really apreciate movies, books and especially music. To attend at a concert is just awesome ! Currently it's the thing that get me the more emotions.
For instance, here is the link to a video showing song of a concert of Muse, a great band :

Just enjoy !